Workin’ for the Unions – Gamestorming in D.C.

I refreshed my union history during the latest Gamestorming session right down the street from the White House. Working with Union Privilege, a program of the AFL-CIO, together we used visual thinking and game techniques to devise their master plan for shifting from good to great. I invented one game that actually wasn’t in the first book because I was inspired by Simon Sinek’s Start with Why (and because I find it difficult to refrain from inventing new games to play.) I aptly named the first game “The Golden Circle” based on Simon’s content, and then used a CIA technique called “The Phoenix Checklist” to get the mental muscles working. We followed those activities up with S.C.A.M.P.E.R. and Empathy Mapping – one group drew a picture of the Executive Director which was hilarious – and finished early because the group worked so hard. Dare I ask if it may not really be “sundown on the unions?” This one had big plans for the future. See more pictures of the group’s hard Gamestorming work.


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