Judging Red Bull’s Global Doodle Contest Again – This Time in Virtual Reality


Last time SB Ink partnered with Red Bull was in Cape Town, South Africa, for their first ever Global Doodle Art contest. Sunni was a Doodle Judge and one of the event’s zany hosts. The South Africa experience – for us and for the doodlers around the world who participated – exceeded everyone’s expectations. So imagine our surprise when the next Global Doodle Art contest, this time in San Francisco, topped it. Red Bull, never one to slack on marketing, partnered brilliantly with Google’s Tiltbrush to introduce a virtual-reality environment for doodlers to show their stuff. Holy Doodle Power! What they produced was incredible. The team at KoffeeCup in London built the virtual environment and Sunni kick-started the event with a presentation on Doodle Power and unfortunately, as a judge again, was forced to choose only ONE winner. #ugh! What the future will bring for infodoodlers around the world is almost impossible to imagine…we’re just glad to be a part of it.


Another high-flying adventure with Clay Lacy Aviation


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