Steelcase: 100 Years – A Prezi for Future Generations
Steelcase is one of our repeat clients, and one we have a lot of respect for. The company started out 100 years ago specializing in file cabinets and safes, and has since gone through so many evolutions that parts of it are unrecognizable from its humble beginnings. Where Steelcase and Sunni Brown overlap involves innovation, design thinking, and a deep interest in workspaces and how they impact collaboration. Steelcase recently celebrated its 100-year anniversary (we here are going on six – ha!) and to celebrate that milestone, they asked “100 Minds” to share a dream we have for the future. To contribute some kind of creative output that will show where we hope the future will go if we put our minds to it. So with that request, I designed a Prezi that showcases MY hopes for the curriculum of the future. Above is a summary infographic showing the high level, but CLICK THROUGH TO DIVE IN. These are the topics I wanted to learn in school but ultimately began to teach myself in life. So here’s to future generations, that those who come before you strive to serve you better each day.