OLA Superconference Keynote


SB Ink has a near obsession with librarians. Every time we’re contacted by a group that promotes libraries, redesigns libraries or trains librarians and library techs, we get a little giddy. Sunni herself worked at a library for three years and used to imagine living in one. That latter dream didn’t pan out (whyyyyy?) but the next best thing is collaborating with librarians and supporting them as they make the world – truly – a better place. As it turns out, they just keep getting better at doing that. Libraries are not what they used to be (think high shelves filled with dusty but magical books). Instead, they’re meeting the 21st-century learner with creativity, innovation and brilliance, becoming maker spaces, co-learning environments and places for unlearning and relearning. They aren’t your mother’s libraries anymore. This innovative thinking is right up our alley, so Sunni was thrilled to be invited to keynote the OLA Superconference for over 5,000 librarians. And, bonus! One of our favorite graphic recording companies, ThinkLink Graphics was onsite to capture her talk. Big ups to Liisa Sorsa for being such an infodoodling master! And here you’ll find Sunni’s slides from her keynote called “Becoming a Knowledge Sherpa.” Librarians and doodlers, uniting once again.


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